COERR organized the Eco-Friendly House Program to encourage refugees to become more interested in their healthy living starting from keeping their house clean. Most of refugees joined this program have been trained by COERR about waste management and garbage separation: 3R – Reduce, reuse and recycle. As a result, the program is aimed at reducing amount of garbage efficiently, with knowledge and knowhow trained by program staff.
Each month, COERR staff and refugee volunteers paid a visit to household of the refugees who had joined the eco-friendly living program, in order to see that household always continued separating garbage which will reduce garbage to minimum. Needy items like cleaning material, i.e. broom and water buckets were provided to enable refugees to keep their house clean. For refugees who had been trained in agriculture, vegetable seeds and gardening tools were usually given during monthly visit to support their gardening in order to had supplement vegetables for consumption.
Home visit to encourage garbage separation in household is aim at raising refugee awareness at community level, about keeping houses and surrounding clean and safe for living. During home visit, record about the houses that can be models of eco-friendly houses was made. Then, certificates were handed over in November 2017 to a number of houses that reached the good result.

Visit to Eco-friendly household in October 2017

Each month, a visit to eco-friendly household was recorded and in November 2017, there was COERR’s Outstanding Eco-Friendly Household Certificates Ceremony in which outstanding eco-friendly households in each zone of Mae La camp were praised and granted with certificates.

In December, Program staff and volunteers visited and trained refugees to clean their house and gave broom and watering can to each eco-friendly house with garden. The team gave the signs to the house to certify that this is “Eco-Friendly House”
“PLACING RUBBISH INTO THE BIN Training and Campaign”
was organized on November 23, 2017

“Environment Education for Youth & School children”
were held on November 17 and 24, 2017
